Taxi services in Oxford and Oxfordshire.

Taxi Fares and Tariffs

Explore our detailed fare structure designed to meet the needs of all our customers in Oxfordshire. Whether you are travelling alone, with family, or in a group, we have a range of options to ensure your journey is cost-effective and comfortable.

Tariff Passengers Time Period 1-10 Miles Thereafter Min Fare Waiting Time
Tariff 1 1-4 Passengers 0500hrs - 2200hrs £3.30/mile £2.90/mile £10.00 £25.00/hour
Tariff 2 1-4 Passengers 2200hrs - 0500hrs £3.50/mile £3.10/mile £10.00 £25.00/hour
Tariff 3 5-6 Passengers 24hr period £4.00/mile £3.60/mile £18.00 £30.00/hour
Tariff 4 7-8 Passengers 24hr period £5.00/mile £4.50/mile £18.00 £30.00/hour

Additional Information:

  • All travel luggage in boot - no extra charge but boxes or crates or any other items may be subject to removal charges.
  • Light Removal: Items on seats or in seating area up to level of window £20, full removal is £40.
  • Soilage charge: £80.
  • Minimum fare for any trip is £20.
  • Non-payment of fare will result in prosecution.
  • Complaints can be sent to

Discounts for Airports: Ask our staff for details.